Modern Parochet

Modern Parochet is a little different from the standard Paroches that have been common all these years in synagogues to this day.
The main change is the type of fabric, instead of the velvet fabric you can use an Impala fabric which is a leather-like fabric that can be easily washed, or a Woven fabric that gives the Parochet a special look similar to the knitted kippah.
Also,in these Parochets use lighter colors and a variety of fabric colors, and their combination gives the Parochet a more modern, new, interesting and vibrant look.
The other change is in the design itself more stained glass and calligraphy with a combination of many colors and Jewish motifs in it, less accurate to the original but more to the main idea.
The main motifs are: Jerusalem, the Western Wall, Priestly breastplate, Twelve Tribes, Magen David, and motifs from the Torah.

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