How to take dimensions in the Parochet

1. Measure the width of the Parochet (right to left)

If this is a new Parochet ,add another 4 Inch for 40 Inch width .

To give the parochet a wavy sense of curtain.

2. Measure the height of the Parochet (top to bottom)

In the Parochet with rings, measure from the top of the pole to the bottom of the fringed (Pompoms).

Curtain rail

If you have a parochet of a curtain rail, measure from the top of the fabric to the end of the fringed (pompoms). The order form should indicate that you are interested in curtain rail.

3. Hidden area at the top and at the sides of the Parochet

If there is a cornice / tree in your Holy Ark that covers the pole, or the sides of the parochet.

The central width and height at which the parochet is visible must be measured.

This must be noted on the order form, so that we can place the embroidery in the center. and that way the embroidery will not be hidden.

Simulating your Parochet inside the synagogue

Send us a picture of your Holy Ark and we will give you a visualization of the design you chose inside the synagogue,

So you can be relaxed that the Parochet design fits your synagogue style.